Mobile social. Anywhere, anytime.

While I’m here to learn about social networking and it’s role in the future of marketing, for me it’s also about using it and experiencing the various tools available. As you are probably aware I’m not a big Facebook user, in my opinion Twitter is for twats and blogging is just something Pete talks about ad nauseam. So I’ve taken it upon myself to embrace the online social sphere and for 7 days see what it has to offer.

As an added complication, my laptop can’t pick the hotel wi-fi so my only connection is via my iPhone. Incredibly this is no limitation. I’m writing this post on the WordPress app, I can regularly update twitter and photos of Jake and Linda I can see on Facebook. What other apps and cool stuff can I use? Dunno, but watch this space – I’m gonna find out!

Check out the photo of Kate, Ange and Pete on the Golden Gate bridge.

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